ArchaeoPhases - Post-Processing of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations for Chronological Modelling
Statistical analysis of archaeological dates and groups of dates. This package allows to post-process Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations from 'ChronoModel' <>, 'Oxcal' <> or 'BCal' <>. It provides functions for the study of rhythms of the long term from the posterior distribution of a series of dates (tempo and activity plot). It also allows the estimation and visualization of time ranges from the posterior distribution of groups of dates (e.g. duration, transition and hiatus between successive phases) as described in Philippe and Vibet (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.c01>.
Last updated 11 months ago
6.90 score 10 stars 66 scripts 855 downloadsBayLum - Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating
Bayesian analysis of luminescence data and C-14 age estimates. Bayesian models are based on the following publications: Combes, B. & Philippe, A. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2017.02.003> and Combes et al (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.04.001>. This includes, amongst others, data import, export, application of age models and palaeodose model.
Last updated 11 months ago
6.52 score 9 stars 37 scripts 435 downloadsArchaeoChron - Bayesian Modeling of Archaeological Chronologies
Provides a list of functions for the Bayesian modeling of archaeological chronologies. The Bayesian models are implemented in 'JAGS' (Plummer 2003). The inputs are measurements with their associated standard deviations and the study period. The output is the MCMC sample of the posterior distribution of the event date with or without radiocarbon calibration.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.65 score 3 stars 15 scripts 43 downloadsArchaeoPhases.dataset - Data Sets for 'ArchaeoPhases' Vignettes
Provides the data sets used to build the 'ArchaeoPhases' vignettes. The data sets were formerly distributed with 'ArchaeoPhases', however they exceed current CRAN policy for package size.
Last updated 3 years ago
1.00 score 4 scripts 323 downloads